+1 (402) 111 -11-11 info@afghancommunity.center
Omaha, USA       97th St, Mapple road
8 AM - 4 PM Monday - Friday

Member's benefits


What are the benefits of membership? One of the benefits is free entrance to all ACCN events; ie, concerts, picnics, and Eid gatherings. Another is free rights to use the Masjid; ie Khatum and Fateha. If you are not a member, the cost of using the Masjid will be $600 for each Khatum you have at the Masjid. Those who are members will be supported by the community in many ways. Last year a few of our community members had tragedies in the family. We, the board members, were able to create a GoFundMe page to help those particular members of the community. Members of the community will also receive emails to know what is going on in the community, and we are working to send a quarterly newsletter to our members too. 

This will also be a platform for business owners to advertise their businesses. Free marketing for business owners is another benefit. It will help promote their businesses.